Saturday, February 1, 2014

Killer One Hour Leg Circuit

Is your gym routine getting dull? Are you beginning to feel like you've reached a plateau? Well, let me share with you my gym routine for legs day (aka today). It's simple, but trust me when you get up the next morning you know you did something right. 

Before I hit the gym, I always make sure that I've had something to eat and plenty of water. I hate the feeling of being dehydrated during my routine. So today I had a bowl of blueberries and vanilla Oikos greek yogurt with some honey drizzled on top along with two hardboiled eggs. I know too many people that don't take in enough protein...protein is IMPORTANT! Please make sure you get enough of it. I eat about one gram of protein per pound I weigh. Anyway, I digress...

Now that I've had a proper, energizing breakfast I'm ready to go sweat! Before my workout, I always have either Zeal Protein or Zeal Wellness. Today I chose the Wellness because I needed the energy boost. Here is my routine, if you have questions just post in the comments below and I'll be more than happy to help you out.

Legs Day (Two times a week)

Run 1/2 - 1 mile
One-legged sitting leg press (3 reps of 12 each leg)
Leg Adductor (3 reps of 12-15)
Leg Abductor (3 reps of 12-15)
Horizontal Hamstring Curls (3 reps of 12)
Leg Curls (3 reps of 10)
Inverted Squat Press (3 reps of 15, with added weight each rep)
One-legged lunges (3 reps each leg of 10 with weight)
Squats (3 reps of 12)
Calf Raises with weights: one rep with toes pointed in, one with toes pointed forward, one with toes pointed in. Do 15 raises at a slow, steady pace. Go as far on to your toes as possible. Then 10 raises at double time
Calf Lifts Machine: add weight and do 3 sets of 20
Stretch/Cool Down

This routine is meant to be fairly fast-paced. Keeping your heart rate up is the best way to burn extra calories while lifting and working different muscle groups. Take short 30 second to 1 minute breathers, but keep it moving!

And there you have it folks! This circuit takes roughly 65 minutes and is totally killer. Never do more weight than you are comfortable with. Always stretch before and after your routine, as well. If it doesn't hurt, then you're not trying hard enough!

Keep up the good work,

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