Friday, January 31, 2014

Green Goblin Smoothie Recipe

So, today I was out doing some promos for my Zeal products and had these two 20-something ladies ask me if I knew any good recipes that are delicious, nutritious, and can be used with the different Zeal supplements. To which, I responded, "Of course! I know and use plenty!" So I decided I'm going to dedicate this blog to post recipes, meal plans, smoothies, and more. Let's start with a great way to incorporate Zeal into a tasty smoothie!

I figured a good recipe to start with would be my usual post-gym "I'm Exhausted" smoothie recipe! I call it the Green Goblin (yes...because it is green!) but also because I'm always 'gobble-in' (so punny...just bear with me) it up. It's so tasty and satisfying after a long, hard workout! Anyway, here's how you create this wonderful blend in your home:

The Green Goblin Smoothie Recipe
Makes About 1 Serving

1/2 Sliced Frozen Banana
10 or so Fresh Spinach Leaves
3/4 cup Greek Yogurt (I like Oikos Vanilla)
1/2 cup Frozen Pineapple
1/3 cup Frozen Peaches
1 scoop Zeal for Life Vanilla Creme Advanced Formula Protein Powder
3/4 cup any juice (I use Simply Orange juice or some variation of Cranberry juice)
*Just blend it up now! Add more fruit or yogurt if you want it thicker OR more juice for thinner)

Tah-Dah! There you have it! A delicious...and nutritious replenishment shake. My roommate drinks it before she works out for a little boost of energy. I like it after to replenish some of the calories I just burned. You can also have it to replace a meal (because of the protein supplement).

And remember that old cliche saying, "Pain is weakness leaving the body".


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today was a GREAT day!

Hello everyone!

My name is Sierra! I am huge health nut, so I like to stay up to date on new, healthy, and natural ways to ensure my health. After using the product for a few months, I decided it was time to become a Zurvita Independent Consultant and distribute Zeal Wellness products. It is such an amazing product that has helped me so much over the last few months. There are so many different supplements available for all different goals and needs. Today I enjoyed a Wild Berry Wellness Formula Nutritional Drink with my breakfast. After my workout, I mixed some of the Zeal Vanilla Protein with my green machine smoothie recipe. Seriously, one of the best smoothies I have ever made!

If you are interested in fitness, weight management, and energy supplements made from natural ingredients for a great price please visit my website for a list of all our available products (the link is below). Also, my email is available to you if you want information on the products I have available, fitness tips, or my meal plans! I strongly encourage each and every one of you to join the ZEAL FOR LIFE CHALLENGE today and take the next step towards your health goals!

There are also open positions on my consultant team if you are looking to promote fantastic products!

Twitter: @ZealConsultant
Instagram: @Sierra_zealforlife

Thanks for stopping by! Follow this page for daily posts about fitness, recipes, meal plans, and more! I hope to talk to everyone soon!
